Why should I go to the AGM?

Jenny Thornhill

Firstly, because we would really love you to. You are important to us and hopefully we are important to you. If you couldn’t shop at these farms and others like us, what are you left with? Where would you shop? Have you seen what the alternatives are? I’m sure most of you will have heard of the prevalence of Ultra-Processed Food, therefore Ultra-Processed People (yes, it’s a book title and it sums it up perfectly).

Of course, at an AGM there is the dry procedural stuff, it’s a legal requirement, but there is so much more. It’s an opportunity to hear directly from the people who grow your food.

Farming isn’t an easy lifestyle choice. We are all involved because we strongly and passionately believe in the power of good, nourishing food. To offer that requires constant care and commitment. Care for animals, land, and people to ensure a healthy future.

We want to share the challenges we have to face and overcome to provide nourishing food. And there are many: some regulatory, some political, some environmental and, of course, many weather related.

Your continued support and understanding are crucial and at the AGM we want to explain why. Both Plaw Hatch and Tablehurst are represented at the AGM by our farmers, growers and the other areas that are mostly unseen but equally critical to the running of the farms.

We will aim to take you into our world with all the triumphs and tears, and the hair pulling that goes with it. We can’t do this across the shop counter so please join us in a barn, sitting on a haybale, to talk essentially about producing real food.

Our farm teams will speak of their own experiences, trials, and tribulations but it’s important to be aware that we are not alone in this. There are many farmers whose aim is to produce good, nourishing food, whose practices enrich their land rather than deplete it, who care greatly for the welfare of their animals and provide them with as natural a life as possible. So, we are also hoping to have one or two additional speakers who have extensive knowledge of the challenges that affect not only our two farms, but many farms like us.

Please join us. Knowledge and insight can be life changing.