Tablehurst and Plaw Hatch Co-op AGM



On Saturday Plaw Hatch hosted the AGM for Tablehurst and Plaw Hatch Farms. Last year the AGM had to be held online so it was nice to welcome people back in person. 

The Co-op, who represent the farms ‘shareholders’ presented their accounts and there then followed a lively discussion about the purposes of the Co-op as much has changed on the farms since those early days when the Co-op was formed and this is a discussion due to continue. 

What was clear is that new Co-op committee members are needed and once discussions have started to evolve it will become clearer what skills are needed to help support the farms in the coming years. 

At the moment the two biggest challenges both farms face is land security (both farms rely on quite a lot rented land which by its very nature is not secure ) and funding for capitol investments like the ‘Out of plastic’ project here at Plaw Hatch. 

Realistically the farmers cannot run the farms and properly give the time these major challenges that face us require. It also requires particular skills to successfully fundraise for challenges like these.

If these are your skills and you’d like to get involved we’d love to hear from you.

The farms spoke about the previous year which despite being an unprecedented year for everybody because of Covid was a good year financially. 

As a direct result at Plaw Hatch, along with donations from individuals, we were able to finance the building of the farmhouse ‘Spring House’, which Farmer Gala and family are now enjoying. 

The day ended with a visit to the new house, an introduction to the dairy expansion project which includes the ‘Out of Plastic’ and a talk with Robin about the dairy herd.

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