Congratulations Josie

Huge congratulations to Josie, our butchery apprentice, for completing her apprenticeship and becoming a fully qualified butcher!

A word from Josie


I began my career as a butcher in September 2021 here at Plaw Hatch. Butchery wasn’t a career I had considered before but I quickly grew to love it. Farming has always been the career path I’ve wanted to follow and will continue to follow as my partner and I grow our flock of sheep.

Having background knowledge of farming has helped me on my butchery journey, I have a deeper understanding of the importance of my job.

Being a butcher allows me to experience the entire cycle of the food chain which I think is really important for everyone to learn and become connected with.

I would really encourage anyone who is practically minded and creative to consider butchery, it is a skill that dates back hundreds of thousands of years, but in this current day butchers are sparse.

Since becoming a butcher I am proficient in pork, lamb and poultry butchery. I also make all of the sausages which I enjoy as I get to try out new flavours and ideas. My next challenge is learning beef butchery.

I am very grateful to Jayne and Peter for their support and knowledge in teaching me and bringing me along my butchery journey.