Hello from Rhys: the farm apprentice

Rhys Stonely

Hi, I’m Rhys the Apprentice Farmer at Plaw Hatch Farm. I spent several years in the Aviation industry learning my trade. However during the pandemic much like everyone else, I had a realisation I wasn’t satisfied with the direction I was heading in & my morals I believed in did not align with the sector I had been working in for nearly a decade. So it was time for an overhaul.

After dabbling in a few outdoorsy style jobs, trying to find my feet again and rekindling my love with nature I decided it was time to revisit that boyhood dream of being a farmer. Since September 2022, (November with Plaw Hatch), I have never looked back & nor have I ever thought about it either.

Having access to well nurtured, high quality food & a clear vision to sustainability tied alongside educational opportunities with some of the best in the business, one can only imagine the experiences I am about to behold & I am so ready for it.

Come say hi if you see me around! It would be great to chat!